Interview Preparation Guide

Excel in Your Interview

Learn how to understand company culture and showcase strengths. This resource helps you stand out and secure your dream job. Boost your confidence and ace your next interview!


Excelling in a job interview means more than meeting the qualifications of the job itself. Preparation should begin with learning as much as you can about the company you’ve applied to. Familiarizing yourself with its culture and demographics beforehand can play a key role in your overall poise and confidence when entering the interview. Being prepared with key documents can increase your chances for a successful interview as well. Anticipate the unexpected and make sure to bring several printed copies of your resume. You’d be surprised how many times hiring managers sit down for an interview and don’t have a copy of your resume on hand, so make sure you are prepared.

Do’s & Dont’s

It’s essential to set the stage for a successful interview. Remember that first impressions are crucial, and they often start before you even utter a word. Arriving on time, dressing appropriately, and maintaining a positive attitude can significantly influence how you’re perceived by the interviewer. Taking these initial steps can pave the way to a more impactful interview experience.


  • Dress conservatively.

  • Have a list of questions and let them dictate the flow. Don’t ask yes or no questions.

  • Leave your cell phone in the car, you don’t want to risk your phone going off in the middle of the interview.

  • Research more on why the position is available.

  • Look for a way you could solve a problem in the organization.

  • Focus on the profit.

  • Talk about the money and how you can convert more people into customers for the organization.

  • Keep it very friendly, it should be about your advancement in your career. Focus on career advancement.


  • No Chewing gum.

  • Don’t talk too much.

  • Don’t wear anything too flashy.

  • No crossed arms or negative body language.

  • Do not talk negatively about your past employer.

  • Talking about salary before the interview is frowned upon. It’s like a waiter asking for a tip before the meal is over. “I am looking for competitive compensation.” This says I’m high quality and I’m expensive because I know what I am doing and am expecting to be on the top of their range. Don’t worry too much about negotiating your salary until you have been offered the job. You wouldn’t be at the interview unless there was something worth discussing.


After completing a comprehensive needs assessment and engaging in a thorough interview process, if you find yourself genuinely interested in the presented opportunity and wish to progress further, it is appropriate to express your interest in the position directly to the interviewer. This provides an opportunity to address any potential concerns or objections right away.

You can initiate this conversation by asking, “Are there any specific responsibilities associated with this position that you would like further clarification on or have concerns about?” If the response is negative, you can proceed by saying, “Based on what I have observed regarding the responsibilities, position, and my own skills, I believe this is a place where I can contribute effectively. Do you believe I am a suitable match for this role?”

It is important to note that the decision-making process often involves a committee. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that you make a positive impression on every individual you encounter during the interview process and make them feel valued and important.

Closing on the meeting

As the meeting draws to a close, there are a few important points to keep in mind. Firstly, it’s beneficial to establish connections with individuals you’ve interacted with during the meeting. Building rapport and fostering relationships can leave a positive impression.

Additionally, maintaining professionalism throughout the meeting is crucial. While we are all adults, it’s advisable to refrain from using any questionable language. Being mindful of your language ensures a respectful and inclusive atmosphere.

Lastly, it’s essential to focus on delivering statements that cannot be taken out of context or misunderstood. For instance, you can express your skill sets and inquire about their effectiveness by saying, “I possess these specific skill sets. How do you perceive their relevance and potential for success? I am also a quick learner, and I’m confident in my ability to acquire new skills.”

Remember, striking the right balance between conversational and formal communication helps leave a lasting positive impression on the meeting participants.

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